Leadership Platform

Leadership to me is about inspiring those whom I teach and interact with daily. As my trainees weave through their education, I hope to be the person that they can look to for support, mentorship, and kindness. The type of leader I hope to be incorporates many different components of my personality and drive to make sure those around me can function at their best. Some key aspects of my leadership in education includes:

Motivator – Constant cheerleader for my trainees while they accomplish their goals and visions.

Mentor – Providing guidance in research, learning, and life while introducing opportunities for growth.

Communicator – Attentive listener and accessible at all times for advice and instruction.

Supporter – Available during trials and triumphs on a personal and professional level.

Connector – Building relationships with trainees and peers to augment collaboration.

Honesty – Transparent with my expectations and feedback while developing a foundation based on trust.

As a leader, I take a genuine interest in my trainees, their educational experience, and future aspirations. My consistent enthusiasm and encouragement in breast radiology hopes to foster a positive and supportive learning environment. I aim to empower my learners by helping them build confidence in their abilities so they can enter their future careers as leaders themselves.

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another” – John Maxwell

An amazing team of educators that I work with daily in Radiology
Photograph of University of Cincinnati Breast Radiologists after receiving the award for teaching section of the year